Monday, February 21, 2011

Can you believe it!?!

WooHoo! How does it feel to be 1/3 of the way through your Bible?

Go ahead, stop and do a little happy dance. Giggle out loud and thank your Father who inspired you, pulled you close, whispered in your ear and invited you to join us.

You’re on a roll and you WILL do this!

(And even if you aren’t on track… you are still 1/3 of the way through the challenge. If you are still reading, determined not to give up, THAT is a huge accomplishment too-and a reason for thanks and celebration.)

Keep it up, y’all! His Word will not return void (but you already knew that).

For those of you who attend our weekly meetings, in honor of our accomplishment, we’ll be having coffee tomorrow. Childcare isn’t available until 1:30, so just bring your little one(s) with you and we’ll enjoy caffeine and conversation. Hope to see you around 1:15.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reading through the Bible- Day 29 S.O.A.P.

S(cripture)- 1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

O(bservation)- We are all prone to judging others by outward appearance, appearance doesn't reveal what people are really like or what their value is.

A(pplication)- I SO needed this verse today. This morning I was talking to another mom who appeared to have it all, and have it all together. She was beautiful, thin, well dressed, had adorable children, was wealthy, had a nice car, etc. I am so embarrassed to admit that I had a little pity party in my head. I wished I was more like her. It just seemed so effortless for her. As I sat admiring her perfect manicure I found myself hiding my peeling fingernail polish. In my head she had it all. Have I mentioned I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON!? Her "all" made my "all I need" look a lot less shiny. I know in my heart that God has provided and I am blessed beyond measure. (I feel so ungrateful for even having these thoughts, but I have a feeling that I’m not the only girl who measures herself against others.) The devil loves to tell me that I'm not "enough". I am so thankful that my beautiful, merciful Savior reminds me that I am enough- I am HIS and HE looks at my heart.

P(rayer)- Lord, Forgive me when I’m selfish and covet. Give me a thankful heart. May I grow in wisdom, knowledge and grace so that I begin to see things (and people) as you see them. May I focus more on the development of my heart. Thank you that I am “enough”, not because of anything I have done- but because of your son.

Today’s SOAP reminded me of this blog post. I know you won’t regret reading it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mishkan Gallery Visit

A portion of our group took a trip to the Miskan Gallery today. It was amazing to view a replica of the tabernacle and all of the items that we have been reading about. I only wish that we had come before reading Exodus. It all was so beautiful and gave us such a better understanding. Many of you who were unable to join us asked that I take pictures, so here they are. (Believe me, they do not do the gallery justice!)

I was pretty excited to get a picture with Jackson in front of The Ark of the Covenant.
As you can see, he was too. :)