Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bible in 90 Days Update

I will be checking in every ten days to update you on my journey through the bible in ninety days. It has been so much easier than I anticipated! I just finished day ten's reading and am halfway through Numbers. It takes about thirty-five minutes each evening and I have a great little routine that includes putting Jackson to bed, making coffee, and sitting at the kitchen table to read. I continue to be excited about this experience and pray that God will reveal Himself to me through the reading of his word.

I have to remind myself on nights like tonight when I am reading about descendants, rules and customs that each word of the bible is inspired by God and worth reading. I cannot wait to be able to say I have read the bible cover to cover!!! I am 1/9 of the way there. I'll be back for another update in ten days.

I encourage you to do something that you've wanted to do for a while but have put off. Whether it's reading the bible, an organizational project, exercising, or pursuing a new hobby- there's no better time than now. If you're anything like me you have quite a list of things you'd like to do and an even longer list of reasons it's not convenient to do them now. Take the'll be glad you did!

I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from this week. (I just couldn't help myself.)

Jackson and Mommy ready for church.

Now that Jackson is crawling, pulling up and cruising on furniture I never know how I will find him when I check on him in his crib. This has become one of his favorite positions.

Maybe I'm just overly sentimental (okay, I am definitely overly sentimental) but have you ever had a moment where you were just completely overwhelmed with love and gratitude? When I walked in Jackson's room and saw these little feet poking out through his crib that is exactly how I felt. So in love....with these little feet....with this precious child, and SO grateful that God heard my prayers for him. Sometimes I get consumed with life's details and a moment like this snaps me back into reality and reminds me to treasure each moment with these little feet.

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