I want to protect you from all harm, but since I can’t I’ll teach you to get back up and try again.
I want to keep you from heartache, but since I can’t I’ll teach you that while you cannot control the actions of others you can control how you react and no one’s words or actions determine who you are.
I want to be brave and strong so you will have the example that you deserve, but when I’m not I’ll show you that when I'm weak HE is strong, and when I’m afraid He is my comforter.
I want to do my part to mold you into a loving, hardworking, strong, Godly man, but when you fall short (and we all do, my precious son) I want you to know I am so proud of you and wouldn’t trade you for the world.
When you are older and despite our pleadings you make decisions that we prayed you wouldn’t, know that we’ll love you forever and there is NOTHING, EVER that could change that.
I wish that we’d always agree and get along, but since we won’t I’ll remind you (and myself) that my job is to protect and guide you, not to be liked.
I wish I could tell you that times would always be easy, that people would always be kind and that life would be fair, but since I can’t I’ll assure you that God is good. Cling to Him and all else will fall into place.
While I feel my love for you could move mountains, it’s all-consuming and intoxicating- it’s nothing compared to the LOVE of Jesus.
I (selfishly) wish I could tell you that I’d always be able to carry you, that we’d always play in the rain and feed the ducks, that while still in our pajamas we’d laugh until we had tears over your storybooks, or sing songs at the top of our lungs at the park.
I wish I could tell you that my kisses would always have healing powers and bubbles would always be magical, but since I can’t I want you to know this: you are one of God’s greatest gifts in my life, sweet Jackson. Never, ever forget how much you are loved.
Seeing this when I walk in a room lights up my life.
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