Friday, January 7, 2011

Are you up for the challenge?

I am SO excited to begin reading through the bible again! You may remember my blogs about my experience with the “Bible in 90 Days” program. If you don’t, you can read about it here and here. For the past few months I have had the privilege to be a part of a wonderful bible study for stay at home moms (SAHMs for future reference). We recently completed a study on the proverbs 31 woman that was beyond inspirational.

Next Tuesday our group will begin reading through the bible. I have tweaked the"Bible in 90 Days” schedule into a "Bible in 18 Weeks-or 122 days” schedule which you will find below (click to zoom). Instead of seven days of reading each week, there will be five days. This allows two “grace days” a week for catch-up, rest or further study. I know that this challenge may seem very intimidating, but I assure you it IS doable. This is not a speed-read through the Bible, it's akin to reading the Bible like a novel. The reading IS a challenge, though it is a manageable challenge. I assure you, the payoff more than compensates.

I have been inviting everyone I talk with to join me on this journey. Today I got a haircut and my precious beautician and her colleague said that they are excited to begin reading as soon as I drop off their schedules. :o) What an awesome experience to have so many people walking through the bible together! The insight and encouragement that we will gather from one another will make the experience even better. I want all of you to experience this spiritual journey!

We have a facebook group for anyone who would like to join us where we will post questions, comments and offer one another encouragement (let me know if you'd like to be added). I will be updating my blog throughout the experience for those of you who are not on facebook. If you would like to read along with us (regardless of age, occupation or gender) let me know, we’d love to have you! God has so many things he wants to reveal to each of us, let’s not keep Him waiting!


  1. Rachel, a revival may just break out in our area with everyone soaking up God's word!! What an awesome journey and privilege I feel to be able to embark upon with you. I'm so blessed to have you as a friend!!

  2. You are too sweet, and for the record I feel the same way about you! I am in awe of the doors He is opening and know that the possibilities are endless. I can't wait to get started!
